Wherever you go, greetings are important. Not just Nepal, but everywhere in the world. When you meet people for the first time or for a long time, we greet people. We all have our own way to greet each other. If you’re Nepali and want to know different ways to greetings in Nepali language, you’re in the right place.
Greetings can differ based on the situation. If it’s morning, we usually say good morning and Subha Prabhat in Nepali. Similarly, if it’s evening, we say Subha Sandhya and in English we say Good Evening with some messages. However, different people have their own ways, their own languages and forms of greetings. Some people hug each other, some people shake hands and some just smile, understand and greet each other with their eyes.
Here’s how you can say greetings in Nepali
- Good Morning
- Subha Bihani
- Good Day
- Subha Din
- Good Evening
- Subha Sandhya
- Good Night
- Subha Ratri
- Hello
- Namaste
- Dhanyabad
- Thank You

What’s the meaning of Thank you in Nepalese?
The meaning of Thank you is Dhanyabad in Nepalese. Saying Dhanyabad is the best way to show gratitude and appreciate someone for their value.
How to say good morning in Nepali?
You can say Subha Bihani or Subha Prabhat in Nepali. Both are correct ways to say Good morning in Nepali. You can say whatever you’re comfortable with.
How to say Goodnight in Nepali ?
You can say Subha Raatri to say goodnight in Nepali to anyone. We usually say Subha Raatri when we go to sleep or part ways with someone in the night.
How to say Good Evening in Nepali?
You can say Subha Sandhya to say Good Evening in Nepali. Good means Subha and Evening means Sandhya.
What’s the meaning of Hi in Nepali?
When you greet someone or meet someone, it can be the person you know already or the new one, you can say hi in English and say Namaste in Nepali. Namaste or Namaskar both are fine.
Do you know how to say happy birthday in Nepali?
You can say janmadinko subhakamana to say happy birthday in Nepali.
What’s How are you in Nepali?
How are you in Nepali is Tapaiko khabar ke chha? Or Tapailai kasto cha? Or K cha khabar? Or K cha haal chaal? You can say any of the forms above. If they’re older than you, you can use tapai or hajur, if they’re younger or of the same age as yours, you can use timi. But we recommend you to use tapai. That’s the best way to treat and greet someone.
There are multiple ways to say greetings in Nepali. You can use whatever you’re comfortable with. Greetings can vary depending upon time and situation. Use it when needed. Cheers!!!